When I started this project I wasn’t expecting to go through what I went through. My dad was in the hospital and sick but I wasn’t expecting to go through what I went through (that’s something for a future blog). I think there were a lot of days that I did not know how to even express some of the emotions that I was feeling. I haven’t ever been one to express my own emotions so openly. I found that it was much easier to write some of the emotions a day or two after to really let it sink in what I was feeling. Numbers have always been easier for me, maybe that’s why it was easier to write this.
I will update this blog with the final chart but I think I want to explain and write about it before I even make it to the end. The only thing that I would say about this chart, if I were to make it again, would be that saying you are happy or sad on any day is not easy. Some days I would experience both but that couldn’t be reflected with this format. Just thought I would say since some of the average days had happy moments or sad moments or mixed for any given day.
I feel like for what my year was like, it would be almost unusual to not have so many bad days. Looking back at the chart, I don’t think these are really accurate. But more in the sense of how are you able to equally measure every day in a whole year as you’re going through it. Although there are some '“normal” days that I measured as 2 back in January I don’t think they were really positive or normal. Realistically they were closer to 3 but compared to some really bad days they felt more normal than usual. And the same for my sad days, where they were closer to depressed.
The good days really helped. I can say most of those good days were because of those close to me. I don’t really want to go into what every day meant to me and why I chose it. I think the sad days were easier to get through knowing I had plans to do something with others. As much as I wanted to be alone for a lot of them surrounding myself with others really did help. This started out as a simple project that I saw on reddit but looking back I’m glad I didn’t just commit to it like a silly project. I really do like seeing the progress I made throughout the year.
For reference here is a “normal” person chart. This is the one that I modeled mine after. I couldn’t find the original post to link to.
The two stressed and overwhelmed days had to do with school. Not much to explain there but didn’t want to leave them unexplained.
I set out one goal for the end of the year. At the time I posted it to twitter I think I did know that it was going to be a rough start. I retweeted it a lot of times as a reminder to myself of where I wanted to be. And I’m not going to update this blog with the end result at the end of the year but I can say, I happy of where I got.
I know that sometimes its hard to see something as it happens but easier to look back at it. The following charts are just different results from the large chart I did at the beginning. The only notable thing I would say is that I was happier on Wednesdays in my spring semester.
Weekly modes (most common number). Spring, summer and fall refer to my school terms.
Pie chart because its easier to see totals.
Conditional formatting. Made it so that all the more negative days are red and the positive ones are green. White is just a normal day. Darker red days were just worse.