Personally, the easiest part about taking photos is taking the photo. It's easy to go out on a drive and snap a good number of shots to share, but it's not that easy(at least not for me). My photos are a reflection of me, and I want them to be as much like me as they can be.
This past week I've taken a good number of shots between the meets and shoots that I've had. So the past couple of days have just been me playing catch up. Since transitioning from landscape to portrait photos, I've prioritized reducing my turn around time for photos. Before I was able to take photos and go a week without touching them, but portrait photos are more than just for me.
When I edit photos, I make sure that they look good on my phone screen more than my computer screen. People look at their phones nowadays so I find it better to edit photos for my phone. The screen on my phone does give photos a warmer look so when I edit I always adjust them little cooler when finishing up.
I do also have 5 presets that I am working on. They need constant adjustments to work over a large range of photos. A preset that works for only a couple of photos would not be a good preset.
I'll have more blogs about my edits soon, maybe a couple of tutorials too. More shoot blogs coming soon too.
Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve
Mount Tamapais State Park
Santa Cruz, California