I saw this post the other day saying that if there’s a positive infinity and a negative infinity, then zero is the middle. But what if you shift it to 1. Then there is infinite on one side and then there is infinite+1 on the other. But wouldn’t infinite+1 just be equal to zero. Then that means that there really is no middle for the number line but just an arbitrary spot we picked. Despite us not being able to imagine infinity, we use it in math all the time and very easily. Dividing by infinity always gives us 0 even though it doesn’t since you can’t turn something into nothing physically (but we can mathematically)
And then you go into thinking about the different names that we give to larger numbers as we get to infinity. If there’s an infinite number of numbers then there should be an infinite number of names. So, assuming we start with smaller more familiar words, then different number places start to have names with common words. We combine letters and start using then to name number places. That means that there should be number place for every word, even the large words that we will never think of. There’s a number on the way to infinity that has a decimal place with a name that has an infinite number of letters.
Today’s youtube video is the different types of infinity. It’s weird how we can make numbers that are too large for us to imagine but we can imagine imagining them. And even weirder, in math we aren’t able to use numbers that we can’t even imagine imagining but we can use the ones we can’t even though we cant really. Numbers so large that the large numbers we are able to imagine can’t be used to imagine the unimaginable ones. But they’re all equal regardless because they are all endless. The number of infinite numbers is bigger than any infinite number.
Then there all the infinite numbers in between the finite ones. Numbers than cant be ordered but can’t be imagined, like pi. When you look at pi, we can’t really imagine it only estimate it. Then here are all the numbers of pi that we don’t know. We can only assume the numbers that follow all the imaginable ones. There might be a place in pi where the sequence doesn’t consist of every number or only consists of one. Then there’s all the infinite number of pi’s that can exist. In mat a number such as .999… can be approximated to 1, and can actually be proven to be so. Using that same logic, if we take pi and change a digit at the infinity-th place, it can be approximated to 1. So, if we do that an infinite number of times to an infinite number of places we have an infinite number of pi’s.
Well, that’s what was on my mind. These photos were just from a random day that I decided to go out for a drive. It was fairly rainy on the way out, but by the time I got to Davenport it cleared out. The sun was actually shining through, I just desaturated it for the sake of continuity.